Wednesday, September 19, 2007

If I'm Elected...(fill in blank)

At this time when it seems a significant percentage of the American population is running for the office of President, we're hearing a lot of promises for change. It seems anyone running against an incumbent, or running against the party in power, promises they're going to "change" things if elected.

No one ever seems to want to make the changes I think are needed however. I'd like to see a thorough review done on all the bureaucracies they've established in the last half century and eliminate the ones that have been relatively ineffective.

The "War on Poverty" has not only not worked after a bunch of trillions of dollars were thrown that way, it's had the reverse effect of the stated desires. The way it was set-up it encourages people to not work, to stay on the dole, and carries over into second and third generations. It encourages absentee fathers. It encourages indolence. It has failed miserably so why is it having it's budget raised instead of being eliminated? Make the Change.

OSHA (occupational safety and health act) had it's effectiveness reviewed after it had been in effect just ten years. It's stated purpose was to make the workplace safer to reduce on the job accidents. During that ten years on job accidents had increased by greater numbers each year than any year before OSHA. They never took into consideration the psychological aspects of what they were doing. They would come into a factory, force the company to make millions of dollars in changes to make the place safe - and on the job accidents would increase. Since the workers now knew the workplace was safe, they stopped being careful. That's called failure so why are we still funding it decades later? Make the Change.
The War on Drugs. Failed. Make the Change.

All 22,000+ anti-gun laws they've passed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Failed. Make the Change.

Who's idea was it to pay Congress and at the same time allow them to set their own salaries, establish their own perks, get their medical coverage, vacations, plane fares around the world, at taxpayer expense, and give them huge tax breaks on top of that? Failed. Make the Change.

Has the country benefited by Congressmen that make a life's career out of "serving" in Washington DC, or would term limits suit the country better? Easy question. The arguments for term limits for the President were valid. They are just as valid in arguing for term limits for Congress. Current system? Failed. Make the Change.

If we listed all such changes that need to be made, this would not be a short article, but a large volume of books. Give me a candidate that is willing to make the changes we need, and someone willing to dump the nanny state idea out with the trash.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes... "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." Here's an interesting take on it all.


6:40 PM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

Agt, Lott gets all his ducks in a row, and when he gets done it's hard to refute him.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Excellent post, Fish. I'm all for term limits too. People get too complacent when they know once they're in, they're in for life unless the screw up real bad. Some of the Judges in this country have screwed up real bad and they're still in office.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Joubert said...

Excellent. Why don't you run? I'd vote for you.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Heh! Fish is to smart to run for President. It's the most unrewarding job on the planet! :)

6:27 AM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

I wouldn't want to be president and have to put up with a Democratic controlled Congress. Now I might be interested in running for Dictator....

12:05 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

we need to come up with a slogan ( and a platform.

You've got my vote.

11:06 PM  

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