Monday, November 27, 2006

The Flower Child Heritage

Most Americans that reached maturity after the second world war have been living in a dream world. War is something distant and doesn't effect them, so they're free to pursue their lives of pleasure unopposed. Much of it started with the kids coming of age in the sixties, the "turn on-tune in-drop out" crowd with free love, zero responsibility, the world owes me a living mental set. Now their kids have reached adulthood, raised in those households, and are quite prepared to carry that to the next ridiculous extreme.

America has had a good run for it. The most advanced, freest society ever in the history of the world - but just as many ancient empires it started as a Republic, has degenerated into a Democracy and is well on it's way to Empire. Somewhere in that line is where the barbarians storm the gates and it all falls down. Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it, and we're so ignorant of history in this country, and of about any other important line of study, we've degenerated into the "bread and circuses" level of the latter days of the Roman Empire. When the young people can recite all the current movies, who stars, what they're about - can tell you all the latest video games and have mastered them - know all the current recording stars and what records they have out - can tell you what's good and what's bad at all the fast food chains - what's the best way to steal a car, or the best way to beat Wal-Mart security - then you have an entire generation of people totally ignorant of anything important about maintaining this greatest of all nations we've so enjoyed.

I fear for America's future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as do I

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not real confident, either.

3:05 AM  
Blogger Joubert said...

Sure maybe most American kids are spoiled but not nearly as bad as European kids. I know - I've got one. There's still some hope for us but not for the Euroweenies. They're living in Lennon's Imagine.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

I agree with you that our education in this country leaves a lot to be desired. Before the November election people were asked at random to identify pictures of Pelosi, Dean, etc., and only one out of five could do so! That's how much attention the average person pays to what is really going on in our world.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

I've said it once and I'll say it again -

I think all American adolescents b/n the ages of 18-23 should be sent to live in a 3rd world country for 6 months. That way they will come back to America and realize how completely wonderful and great this country is.

4:12 PM  

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