Thursday, November 09, 2006

That makes me so mad

I heard a story years ago about a happy boy. He was just happy all the time regardless of the situation. His father thought this unnatural so deciding to cure him of that, locked him in a room full of horse manure in the barn. A couple of hours later the farmer peeped in through a hole and saw the boy with a big smile on his face tossing horse manure every which way. He unlocked the door and asked the boy how he could be so happy locked in that room. The boy said "I figure if there's this much horse shit in here there has to be a pony here for me somewhere".

It's human nature to externalize our emotions, responding to outside situations rather than choosing to be happy. How often have you heard something like "He makes me so mad", "She just aggravates the dickens out of me", or on the other side "I'd be so happy if I could just figure out how I can afford that new car, or house, or dream vacation".

People can't make you angry. You have to respond to their actions with anger. It's as if they hand you a knife, but you have to take it and stab yourself. You will continue (for many their whole life) to respond with anger until you choose to stop allowing external forces to govern your emotions.

I've seen people put themselves in severe financial binds just to acquire that dream car they know would make them so happy. A couple of years later it has a few scratches, something dreamier is on the market, and they are making huge payments on what is now a used car.

I've known people that had good jobs, a nice home, good car, wonderful family, all the bounty afforded to the average American and yet they would never be able to be happy. They can't keep up with the Jones', their home isn't the biggest in town, their car isn't the most expensive, their kids aren't the perfect angels only found in fairy tales. Life isn't a fairy tale, and if it has to be to "make" them happy they'll never be happy. They'll just continue to externalize their emotions, enjoying brief moments of happiness amidst a life filled with disappointments, anger and sadness.

The world may not afford you all your desires but you can always choose to be happy right where you are.

First you have to realize it is a choice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good preachin'
I especialy liked the horse doo part.

8:00 AM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

Is it time for me to pass the collection tray?

9:53 AM  
Blogger Joubert said...

I couldn't have said it better.

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, of course, where you are today is a result of all your choices in the past. ;-)

2:22 PM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

Thank you Patrick.

AGT, right, but that highlights one of the main problems many have today. They want to blame every problem in their life on someone or something else instead of realizing their current situation is generally a result of their decisions.

7:52 PM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...

My husband and I were watching the news the other night and the story said that Americans b/n the ages of 18-33 spend $1.25 for every $1 they make.

That frightens me. We've become a society of "Want It NOW". My husband and I try to save as much as possible, especially since we don't forsee Social Security being around when we retire.

Fish - I think all young Americans need two things. First, they all need to read this post!!! And second, they all need to live in a 3rd world country for about 6 months - so they can come home and appreciate all the things that they do have!!!!

10:34 AM  

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