Monday, February 11, 2008

Caucus or Primary

Periodically we have a primary election in the state to choose who will run on the Democratic and Republican tickets. This primary is set for a particular day and every county votes their choices. After the votes are tallied we have one winner in each category for the Democratic contenders, and an equal number of contenders on the Republican ticket. On election day we get to choose between the two parties candidates for each position. It seems to work well, so why in the world is the Presidential caucus or primary such a mess?

For instance, Iowa then New Hampshire gets to vote. There choices were - Republicans - Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, John McCain, Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, and Duncan Hunter. Democrats - Barack Obama, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden, and Chris Dodd.

From there it goes through other states, one after another, and on occasion some states voting the same day. By the time it gets to the last states in these "primaries" many of the candidates have dropped out from lack of support, or it can even be down to one candidate for each party, which completely nullifies any reason for the last states to even bother.

Such a system costs each candidate many millions of dollars, sends them running around the country in an exhausting succession of whistle-stop speeches, and in the end the final states get no say-so in who your party will run for this most important job in the world.

It's possible that holding such primary elections in all 50 states at the same time, some of the "losers" in the early primaries with the current system, could well come out on top in a lot of the states that never get a chance to cast their votes for any but the frontrunners.

If they gave each candidate a fifteen minute spot on television (which the candidate would pay for), then let them post their positions on their web sites, and/or mail a flier to every home (which they would also have to pay for), it would level the playing field. I'm sure it would cost them less than the multi-millions each now have to spend just to campaign, and all states would get a chance to put in their vote. The way it is now there are states that don't even bother because it's all been decided before they would have an opportunity to hold a primary.


Blogger ryanshaunkelly said...

barack obama mike huckabee vs machine

huckabee obama:
we understand your disgust.
subversion of democracy.

know this:
gravel kucinich paul nader
will fight any ticket
with clinton or mccain on it.

your eyes & ears are open...

Mike Gravel Dennis Kucinich Dr Ron Paul Ralph Nader
united by truth elicit fear smear blacklist.

Too many lies,
democracy rising democracy now.
Rage against the machine.

Honesty compassion intelligence guts.

No more extortion blackmail bribery division.
Divided we fall.

3:28 PM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

Ryan, you've been reading too much Beatnik poetry. But thanks so much for managing to not comment on anything that I had to say what-so-ever.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Joubert said...

Don't complain. At least you had a choice between two candidates. By the time we have our primary at the end of April, there will be no choice.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

Patrick, this is Kentucky. They're always behind everyone else on everything. Our Presidential Primary election is May 20. Might as well wait to November.

8:51 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

I'm so fed up with politics served up as usual that I ignored all the news last night; instead I watched the Westminster Dog Show.

A BEAGLE WON.. and bayed at the crowds.

7:24 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Fish, I like your solution and think it would be a vast improvement.

I wonder what the first commenter in this thread was smoking when he posted?

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dittos on all 50 states have it at the same time and standardize the thing. Of course, it won't happen as it makes too much sense.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

Pamela, are you sure that was the dog show, or was it one of the politicians baying at the crowd again. dunno but....HEY is he bogarting that joint again?
AGT, that is the problem. If it makes sense it will never get out of committee.

7:25 PM  
Blogger BB-Idaho said...

Ya suppose that beanik type poetry was from inhaling kerosine vapors?:)

3:38 PM  

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