Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Okay, a wedding party picture.

Some of the wedding party left to right. Brother preacher with his two shot, 9mm Derringer, myself with 15 round, 9mm semi-automatic, the bride daughter with a 5 shot .38 revolver in an ankle holster, the groom with an 8 in the clip .45 semi-automatic, and my youngest son with a 9mm 8 in the clip semi-automatic.
Click to enlarge the picture.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's pretty darned cool, Fish. That gave me a big smile.


2:35 PM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

I got a big giggle out of it too. She has a concealed carry permit so the ankle holster is legal on her.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

wow-- armed matrimony

6:17 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Regarding Pamela's comment: LOL! That's clever!

What an unusual wedding that was, Fish. Good luck on the liberal's efforts to take away our firearms. They're going to need it! :)

10:57 AM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

Pamela, we can at least expect them to respect each other.

Gayle, they're trying. The way they can succeed is the way they've done everything else. Little pieces at a time. It's like the assault weapons ban that Congress allowed to expire. There's a lot of clamor to bring it back, yet it was of no effect at all on crime, just outlawed a lot of innocent gun owners.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Walker said...

Wow Fish! Cool. Side arms can be very romantic, I hear.

Say I finally got the link to you fixed on my blog.

5:32 PM  

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