Nuttin' much happening
I gave up on the old weed-eaters and bought a new one, then started eating weeds around the place. The Yahoo weather report said fair and sunny today, possible showers tomorrow a.m. I wonder what those dark clouds rolling in could mean? It's about eleven at night now and the rain gauge says we've had over three inches of "fair and sunny" today. It's still raining. I had to retire the weed-eater long before I was finished. Ah for the good old days in Las Vegas where they were right about 360 days out of the year. All they had to do was say "hot and dry" for the summer, or "cool and dry" for the winter. I had desert landscaping there too, so no mower, no weed-eater.
Okay, I didn't really give up on the old weed-eaters. I've still got them sitting in the shed, and I'm going to play with them a while. I know the one has a problem with the motor locking up when it gets hot, but I think the other is just carburation. I'm going to take the carb off the one and put it on the other. If that doesn't do anything, then I'll trash them. Promise.
You can see I have lots of important things to do since I retired. It's my job to set the coffeepot up each night so all one of us has to do is turn it on of a morning. When I worked I had it on a timer, but we never know if we're getting up at five or eight or whatever. Generally it's when we wake up and feel like getting up, but usually around six. We download the email, take a quick look over that while the coffee brews, then retire to the back porch for cigarettes and coffee. If our daughter is working she'll generally walk over and join us for a half hour or so before starting out.
I'm investigating the idea of turning our drive over to the county. I've spent quite a bit of money and time in maintenance on it this year, but mostly I'd like to bring the mailbox down from the highway and put it in front of the house, and have trash pick-up here rather than on the highway. The mail deliver and trash pick-up won't drive on private roads.
It dawned on my I'd not seen a ball peen hammer in stores for a while. I wondered if they still made them so checked online. Yep, all sizes and prices. I'd buy me one of those if I had a clue as to what you do with that ball end of the hammer. Does anyone know why they make them in that configuration?
You can turn your driveway over to the county? Even if I could, I'd still have to go the half mile up my driveway and another half mile down the road to the "group" mailboxes.
Yes, here in the Commonwealth of Kentucky that seems quite normal. There are numerous county roads, usually name "Charlie Smith" or some such, and it leads only to that person's home. Our drive has seven property owners along it's length, and though it dead ends, would be a natural to become a county road.
Just a thought: ballpeen hammers have that round end for pounding
hundreds of divots into weedeaters that don't work?
is what Wikpedia has to say. BUT, you have to careful with wikpedia because I have found them to not be a reliable source of info
BB, I think you might have something there, I may have to go buy me one.
Pamelal, I too disagree with wikpedia at times, but their definition makes sense. Now it I ever get into metalcrafting I'll have a second reason to buy one.
Wikipedia left out another use: We use ball peen hammers here and we use the ball end to finish tapping a nail into a piece of wood where we don't want to damage the wood around the nail. Now you can buy one, because I'm sure you'll have use for it. :)
Over here on the east side of the Commonwealth it's generally only roads leading to family cemeteries that they'll do the maintenance on... or so I was told when we had about 20 acres out in the county (and 3 of 'em were actually flat!)
Gayle, with my accuracy with a hammer, I would just wind up with rounded dents around the nail instead of flat ones.
AGT I've presented the papers to the Fiscal Court. They didn't seem to think there was any legal problem and are scheduled to come look it over.
LOL! I've done that too when using a ballpeen hammer. Walt's much better at it than I am.
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