Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Think Straight

Each day my daughter in Indiana sends out a little inspirational type message. Often I write a brief and smart aleck reply. Today she sent the following through, and below that is my answer.

When your striving interferes with and overshadows your experience of daily living, that's when it's impossible to find that peaceful feeling and satisfying way of living.

That "peaceful feeling and satisfying way of living" is attained when we learn to count our blessings instead of our desires. If anyone has trouble doing this, do a little research on third world countries where they will have several people living in a one room, dirt floor hut. No electricity, no running water (they have to fetch it from a questionable well a half mile away and carry it home). They might or might not have anything to eat today, instead of cupboards, freezers and refrigerators stocked full, cash in your pocket and restaurants of all sorts in easy access to you. Many of those people have short, miserable lives and never travel more than a hand full of miles from their place of birth, often are illiterate, no access to medical help. wear rags, shiver in the cold because many generations have burned all the trees for heat and cooking. It's possible to write a lengthy article comparing the average American's lifestyle to that of millions of the less fortunate in this world. Be thankful every day you were born when and where you were. It gives a feeling of peace and satisfaction, and doesn't let anything overshadow that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points, Fish. We are indeed a fortunate bunch!

In a similar vein, I occasionally have to remind myself that there is a BIG difference between "I need a ..." and "I want a ..."

I need water, but I have to remind myself that a new exhaust system for the Harley is actually only a want, no matter how much I think I "need" it. :-)


6:51 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

Excellent, Fish!

As I already wrote you an e-mail telling you about our lack of propane for four days, and the power going out for two, I'm not going to repeat myself except to say that I was tempted to complain, but remembered that I'm lucky to have those things in the first place. Going without really does make us realize how lucky we are.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Joubert said...

Amen and the more you count your blessings, the more blessings come.

8:44 AM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

I don't know AG, a new exhaust system for the Harley is one of those bordline things (grin).

Gayle, I guess remembering outhouses, carrying water and such as a kid makes me more aware of just how good I have it today, but I never did have it bad.

Patrick, "the more you count your blessings, the more blessings come." - precisely. The spiritual laws are just as positive as the physical laws. Applied properly they work for us, but improperly and they work against us. Fire can heat your home or destroy it.

9:53 AM  
Blogger Karmyn R said...


12:04 PM  

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