Sunday, June 08, 2008

Our Graduate

Our granddaughter graduated high school this month. She decided she wanted grandpa to take pictures to exchange with other students rather than having studio pictures made. These are a couple of the pictures. We're quite proud of her. For the senior year she had two B's and the rest of grades were all A's.

It has been wonderful having our daughter and granddaughter next door, having the great privilage of sharing these last two years of her schooling and all that goes with being that age.


Blogger St. Whatshername said...

Great pictures Fish! (but then, I don't think she could take a bad picture=)

5:51 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

She's very beautiful and you did a great job on the pictures!

Those studio pictures are really a scam. They are totally overpriced! When Jessica (our granddaughter) brought hers home I hated them! They were terrible and they wanted a fortune for them, so I took them myself, with the exception of keeping one photo of her that they did a decent job on.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Walker said...

She's a doll, Fish!

9:12 AM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

Pretty and smart, too! I'm guessing she gets that from your wife's side of the family.


12:50 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

look at all that beautiful hair....

9:53 PM  
Blogger Fish-2 said...

St. W, maybe she couldn't take a bad picture, but I can. She doesn't look the same with her head cut off.
Gayle, I agree. I think there are some photo studios where they really try to work with the students and parents, but most just want to grind out a bunch of set poses with set props.
Walker, we thinks so. The great thing, she has a personality that's even better.
AGT, you've got that straight.
Pamela, I agree, and that curl is natural. She's never had a permanent, but a couple of times she's straightened her hair.

5:18 AM  

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