The Old Covered Bridge

I attended a birthday party for my uncle. He lives in Indiana and was celebrating 90 years, and the good news is he's in amazingly good health and could pass for at least 20 years younger than his actual age. As we were wandering back toward my daughter's home I was talking about a little community somewhere in the country near there, and how more than 50 years ago I'd found a covered bridge on a gravel road near that community. My daughter had printed out a map to direct us to the birthday party and looking at the map she found the community I'd mentioned. We turned off the highway onto a county road and with a zig and a zag found the town. Not much there. Just 10 or 12 houses, but we started out due west from there and soon found ourselves on a gravel road. When it wound down into a river valley we came to the covered bridge, not only still standing, but in wonderful repair. It's a double span bridge with a center support mid stream. I believe I'm going to spend some time in that area of the country and try tracing through some of my old stomping grounds.